How to do the Single Crochet Join (Aka Standing SC) for Cleaner Yarn Joins

Did you know there is a way to join a new yarn to your project without using a chain? The single crochet join (aka the standing single crochet) is a fabulous and easy way to join a new yarn to your project that gives a smoother, cleaner finish. In today’s blog post I’m going to show you how to do the single crochet join so you can start using it in your projects. I’ve included both a photo tutorial with detailed instructions and a step-by-step tutorial video to show you how.

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This tutorial is written using US terms however, if you’re more accustomed to the UK terms, here is a quick conversion for you:

US TermsUK Terms
CH = ChainCH = Chain
SC = Single CrochetDC = Double Crochet
SC Join = Single Crochet JoinDC Join = Double Crochet Join
SL ST = Slip StitchSL ST = Slip Stitch

Materials Needed:

No special materials are needed to do the standing single crochet, just whatever yarn and hook you’re using for your project. In today’s tutorial, I’m using King Cole Wildwood Chunky (available at your local yarn store or on Amazon) and a 5mm Furls Crochet Borealis Streamline hook.

hands holding a crochet hook and yarn swatch with text that says How to do the standing single crochet (aka the single crochet join) plus video tutorial

The Standard Way to Join a New Yarn

In most projects that give the instructions “join new yarn to stitch X”, the designer expects you to join your yarn to the indicated stitch with a slip stitch join (sl st join). If your first stitch is to be a single crochet stitch, then you’ll have to add a chain 1 turning chain before executing your single crochet stitch. But that slip stitch and chain 1 adds bulk that can make your join messy.

But now, you’re going to learn a better way. Enter the Single Crochet Join.

This joining method is used when the first stitch of the round or row starts with a single crochet stitch. This is also called a standing single crochet because it is considered to be a free standing stitch since it doesn’t require the turning chain.

Ways to Use the Single Crochet Join

The single crochet join is one of my favourite joining techniques as it can be used in a variety of ways.

  • It can be used to add and/or join a new color of yarn
  • Use it to add a new yarn
  • It can be used to join two crochet pieces of fabric together (like granny squares or crochet motifs)
  • It can be used to start a single crochet seam (when you need more support than a slip stitch seam or mattress stitch can give you or you want a decorative seam)

Overall, it’s a great technique for joining yarn and getting a cleaner finish.

How to do the Single Crochet Join Video Tutorial

YouTube video

This method is done the same whether you’re working in spiral rounds or back and forth in turned rows. I personally like to use this on the right sides of a project however, it can be used on the wrong side of the work as well.

When substituting this join for a slip stitch join, you want to use this when your first stitch of the row / round is a single crochet stitch.

Step 1: Place a slip knot onto your crochet hook.

hands holding a purple crochet hook with a slip knot on it.

Step 2: Insert hook into your crochet project into the place you want to join.

hook inserted into a crochet swatch as step 2 of the single crochet join.

Step 3: Yarn over hook and pull up a loop. You should have two loops on your hook.

step 3 of the standing sc: hands holding a hook with two loops of yarn on it

Step 4: Yarn over hook and pull the loop through both loops on your hook.

step 4 of the single crochet join: hands holding crochet swatch with a standing stitch completed in the center.

When using this to join fabric together, repeat step 2 – 4 into the next stitch and each stitch across or into the end of each row to join your fabric together until complete (see me join two pieces of fabric in the video tutorial).

I hope that you’ve found this tutorial helpful.  There are other chainless joins that go beyond single crochet stitches! You can use this simple technique to join with other basic crochet stitches. Learn how to do the standing half double crochet and standing double crochet next!

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